Tweezers by Don Curtis

She bent over
At the waist
Closer to the mirror
Chin tilted up slightly
To the right
Eyes tilted down slightly
She bends her arm
At the elbow
Closer to the chin
Fingers pinching
One solitary black hair
Tweezers pinching shut
Fingers pulling back
Follicle resisting
Fingers pulling more
Tug of war
She turns around
Trophy held aloft
Hand moves down
Fingers release
The hair drifts down
Into the opening
Lands on the can bottom
Bent slightly

©Don Curtis, 2010

Don is a teacher in Oakland with 3 dog friends.  Teaching is most definitely a passion, a commitment for him.  To get away from the classroom a little bit he rides his bike. And, he doesn’t want to forget yoga at LOKA and playing in or near the ocean with a friend.

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